What Qualifies in this Category?
- SANS Webcasts
- GIAC Exam Development Participation
- InfoSec Community Chapter Meetings
- Brief Webinars
- Industry Webcasts or Podcasts
- Presenting/Guest Speaking
- Authoring an article for an industry related publication or website
Category Specifics:
- Up to 12 CPEs can be earned in this category.
- CPEs earned from this category can be applied toward 3 qualifying certification renewals.
Required Supporting Documentation
- GIAC Exam Development:
- JTAs - Screenshot of the final page of your completed survey.
- GIAC Question Writing – Letter confirming your participation.
- Standard Settings & Audits - Automatically filed on your behalf.
- SANS Webcasts: Certificate of Completion
- Authoring an Article: A copy of the article and evidence of when & where it was published.
- Evidence for all other activities should include:
- Your Name (as a participant)
- Name/Title of Activity
- Date(s) of Participation
- Evidence of Activity Content & Industry Relevancy