GIAC Exam Feedback
Your feedback is a valuable resource for us. GIAC reviews all exam feedback to look for process improvement opportunities. Submitting question feedback has no impact on your score or the outcome of your exam.
During your exam, you will have the option to submit feedback for up to 10 questions. To submit feedback on a particular question, click the 'Submit Question Feedback' link on the right side of the screen before proceeding to the next question.
You will be provided two feedback options: 'Typographical Error' or 'General Comment.' If you choose to submit feedback, a text box will appear allowing you to enter your comments.
When feedback is provided, you will receive an email after your exam to indicate we received your comments. This will be the only communication provided regarding exam feedback.
Upon completion of your exam, you will also have the opportunity to evaluate your overall test-taking experience. We welcome your feedback.
If you require additional support, visit our contact page.